CBD Big Bud Super Skunk
Big Bud Super Skunk is a phenotipic variety that has been around for years and is renown for its variety of prizes in different cannabis cups.
Our high CBD content strain is one of our favourite plants for it’s speedy growth, it’s high yield and quality. It grows to be a full bodied plant with resinous buds and leaves.
Its strong and aromatic resin makes it perfect for making extracts, and it’s great for tasting.
This strain has a balanced ratio of THC:CBD of 1:1
It grows quickly inside and its short buds give it the advantage over other varieties when there is a need for compact high tresin and less leaves. Great for hand harvesting.
Outside this is easy to grow, reaching a bushy 1.70m. We recommend the plant is well supported as it’s buds are very heavy.
We caution growing this strain in greenhouses and the large buds can be difficult to clean of moulds. We recommend planting 1 or 2 months later than if planted outside.
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